Today's post is the story of Emily Holzhauer's dreams and goals in her life. Thank you for sharing! I'm sure everyone will love to hear the great things you want to do in your life, I know I did!
Hi, my name is Emily Holzhauer!
I was gonna write about my dream, but then I realized, I don't just have one dream or goal I want to accomplish. I have a lot of them and I want to do as many of them as I can.
I want to be able to have children and be a good mother, and when I am pregnant, I want to have a healthy pregnancy and I want to be able to bring my children into the world naturally in the comfort of my own home.
When I do have children, I want to be the best mom that I can be and raise my children in a loving home...and so much more.
My other dream is to be able to start a business where young/teen moms can pay for childcare and more for a price that they can afford. I believe that service is one of the best things someone can do with their life. I want to help the girls who are in financially hard situations. Not everyone has the support from a loving family, so when they don't have that, that's where I want to be able to step in. I know of too many girls that could probably use this kind of service.
I have so many more that I could start my own blog about them lol. Either way, I will do my best to accomplish all that I possibly can. My ultimate goal? I couldn't tell you! (:
Just to live life to the fullest and do as much as I can and enjoy this crazy thing called life!
Readers, shares yours! Email, or you can even comment on the main blog page. I can't wait to share more!
Just to live life to the fullest and do as much as I can and enjoy this crazy thing called life!
Readers, shares yours! Email, or you can even comment on the main blog page. I can't wait to share more!
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