Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Katie Brown

Today's post is starring Katie Brown. She writes about what inspired her, and a message she wanted to share. Thanks Katie for sharing your story! I think It's such a pleasure to hear so many stories that are just like our own, but special in their own way. It's definitely a motivator to see others pursuing and accomplishing their life long or short term goals! 

My name is Katie Brown. I am going to make this short.. just because I felt inspired to share with ya'lls this short message that I haven't really shared with many people. 

Growing up, I always dreamed of living on a farm with a bunch of beautiful champion show horses. That is basically the only really BIG dream I can remember. That.. and marrying prince charming. But hey, what girl doesn't dream that? Here I am at 21 years old.. and did all my dreams come true? Probably not EXACTLY how I imagined it. Did I end up with an amazing farm with amazing horses.? Not exactly. Did I end up marrying a prince? Not exactly. I did end up with a horse that has potential. I did end up with MY "prince charming" and he is everything I could have ever possibly asked for! 

When I was young and didn't care what people thought.. I didn't have a doubt in my mind that I wouldn't get everything I wished for. Down the road.. along came trials and the world getting down on me. I got down on myself and didn't have the most positive outlook on life.. I chose to live a life of worry and depression. Eventually, I learned that it was ME that was holding myself back. It was ME that was choosing to be sad. It was ME that chose to take everything the wrong way. I had to learn the hard way.. but hey, I learned. I saw this quote today at work which inspired me to write this...   

It just made an impression on me because I can witness to everything it says. I know, I know.. its a quote.. and so cliche. But I don't care.. IT HAPPENS. ;). Even now.. or in the future.. I know I will have to keep reminding myself that my attitude will reflect what happens to me. If I have a bad attitude.. that's how it's going to be.. BAD. You can choose to be happy. No matter the circumstances. It's harsh, but true. If you choose to be happy, then that's how things are going to be for you.. HAPPY.

It's not necessarily just about this lifetime. It's about the eternities. I didn't get a "prince," but I did marry a man who will be my king in the eternities and we will have our own kingdom. 

To hear more about me and my "crazy" life.. visit my blog at katiegoodmanbrown.blogspot.com 

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